Chrysolis is a small non-profit, registered as a charity in the UK. We operate mostly within Europe, and have an especial accent on public engagement with the Christian faith.
Though we have initiated a handful of our own freestanding projects, we more frequently operate by coming alongside existing organizations and groups to help them design fresh and creative ways to engage the people and contexts around them.
Our partners in this are always locally-led, and are very often involved in the university or student context, though not exclusively.
For several years our primary focus was on Romania, with more occasional projects elsewhere in Europe. In 2020, though, we helped our Romanian team form an independent locally-led organization, Chrysolis Romania. We continue to partner with them, but our own focus now ranges further afield.
We are happy to work with a wide range of groups and people, and our work always includes warmly generous open-handed conversations.
Our own theological emphases are best summarised by the Nicene Creed — the statement shared by all Christians; Protestant, Orthodox, or Catholic — and the Evangelical Alliance basis of faith.
You can stay up to date with our work by subscribing to our newsletter, via the form below.
(Chrysolis is UK-registered charity 1152787)