Advance was our 'hub for thinking faith' in Bucharest, Romania, and was also piloted nationally. It featured a range of courses and events designed to create a context where participants could find a safe space to engage their own questions and also those of other around them. Most of those involved in Advance were students or young professionals.
This little video gives a feel for the work:
In 2020 we transitioned the work in Romania to become entirely locally-led, and we moved to an advisory role. Over the following couple of years, Advance broadened it's focus so that —  while still including an accent on questions —  it became an incubator for a more proactive Christian engagement with culture.
In 2023, the Romanian team decided to focus on this aspect in a more concentrated fashion through the successor project to Advance — the Becoming Storytellers initiative, which seeks to cultivate Christian artists and writers for the cultural mainstream.