Our work is made financially possible entirely through the gifts of friends and supporters.
Below are details on how to give from the UK, the US, and everywhere else.
Giving from the UK (and anywhere else)
You can set up one-off and recurring monthly giving via our partners at Stewardship, using a credit or debit card. Click the button below (or click here) to visit the Chrysolis page on their site.
You can, alternatively, set up a regular transfer from your online bank app. Send us an email at office@chrysolis.org to request our account details.
Giving from the USA
Tax-deductible giving to Chrysolis from US-based supporters is possible via Mission Enablers International (MEI), with whom we partner in this area. You can set up monthly giving, as well as send one-off gifts, by clicking on their logo below (or click here) to visit their site. Where it says “Designation Code”, please be sure to write Chrysolis’ unique code, CHR705, otherwise any gifts will not get to us.
If you give this way, it’s also handy if you can drop us a quick email saying ‘I sent $X’. You can do that by sending one to our main email: office@chrysolis.org
Rest of the World
You can set up one-off and recurring monthly giving via our partners at Stewardship, using a credit or debit card. Click the button below (or click here) to visit the Chrysolis page on their site. If you have any issues, please contact us at office@chrysolis.org